Oriental Bliss

by Lex van Someren's Traumreise


A magical concert experience for heart and soul.

This is a worldwide new stage and concert project of the

Dutch visionary artist Lex van Someren, living in South Germany,

which is touring internationally since 2009.


Soul dimensions that are invoked by the mystical music of singer,

composer and performance-artist Lex van Someren,

accompanied by 7 brilliant musicians, several dancers and a choir.


Lex is a multi-talented performer.

His inspiring and blissful music carries

a powerful sacredness and beauty.


The one thread that runs through each of the performed songs

is his heartfelt spiritual presence.
Various art forms are brought together in

a magical theatrical experience, harmoniously combined

and united to form a celebration of life for all our senses.


"Dream Journey for the Soul" (Lex van Someren's Traumreise)

is a celebration and a tribute to our divine nature.

These versatile artists create a wondrous connection

between our life on earth, our inner life and the life beyond.


This show calls us to remember to return to the natural rhythms

that connect us to a deeper and more joyful experience of life.







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